Sunday, December 25, 2011

25th Day of Christmas - It's Finally Here!

What's your favorite Christmas memory? I'm going to cut this one short and refer you to this previous blog entry.

Thank you all for putting up with me during this kind of unusual blog posting event. I don't think I've shared a single piece of art in the past 25 days, (and you came anyway). And even though it's over, I would still love to hear from you. Please feel free to use the comment section below.


Happy Creating.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

24th Day of Christmas - This One's About Santa

Vintage Images courtesy of

Do you leave cookies and milk for Santa? Not anymore. With a 17 year old and an almost 21 year old, cookies would never make it until Santa arrived. Did we used to leave them? Darned tootin'. I even had a special plate and cup just for the jolly ole' guy. Wonder whatever happened to that old thing.

If you leave cookies out for Santa, I hear he is especially fond of peanut butter oatmeal. He says that he rarely gets that kind. I also hear that he's become a little lactose intolerant and he prefers rice milk. Can you give the guy a hand? Let me know your plans below.

Merry Christmas and thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

Friday, December 23, 2011

23rd Day of Christmas - Pass the Cookies

Easiest question I've had so far, Do you bake cookies? No, no, no. I do not bake cookies. I am the worst cookie baker in the world. I am blessed however to have a husband and two daughters who bake cookies. I'm hoping to smell some wonderfulness coming from my kitchen later on today.

Do you bake cookies? You're gonna let me know aren't you? I would love to hear? 

Only two more days to go. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

22nd Day of Christmas - It's all about What We Must Do

Today's question, "What's the most important thing that you must do each Christmas season"?, really threw me. I couldn't think of a thing. Decorate? I love the decorations and especially the tree but "must" I do it? No. Even baking, shopping, even attending church are not must dos for me. I just kept coming up empty handed, (or should I say, empty headed). 

Finally, I asked my daughters and without hesitation, they both said, "spend time with your family" They are right. I would be miserable without spending time with my family over the holidays.

What's your, "so important, you must do", thing for the holidays? You know I would love to know. Comments make me so.......... happy. Please feel free to share below.

Happy Creating.

21st Day of Christmas - Family Get-togethers

We spend time with extended family each Christmas. This year it will be my sister, her daughter, my mother and her husband. This holiday is all about family but as we get older and move in different directions it's increasingly difficult to get together with extended family. Some of my family is close but my husbands family is very far away. I would just about give my eye teeth to spend a Christmas with them.

How are your Christmas' spent? Do you travel to be with family, stay home and invite them to come to your home, or are your Christmas' spent with your immediate family. You know I would love to know. 

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

20th Day of Christmas - Favorite Gift

Do you have a favorite gift? I do. Mine didn't come wrapped in a box or with a pretty bow on top and it didn't arrive all that long ago. As a matter of fact, it came just two years ago filled with carloads of people and a living room full of kids. 

About 12 years ago my father's employer at the time moved him back to our home state of North Carolina and since then, we have often been separated from him and my step mom at Christmas time. 2009 was different though. All of us were able to have Christmas in NC with Daddy. When I say all of us, I mean all of us. My dad has four children; we're all married with kids of our own and we all live hundreds of miles from him. Somehow though, it worked out that every single one of us could be in NC, at the same time, for that one magical Christmas of 2009. It's the most perfect gift I've ever received. A bit cramped but full of love. Makes me a little homesick just thinking about it.

I would love it if you shared the memory of one of your own special gifts. It could be big or small, sappy, sweet, or just plain ole' indulgent. Maybe, like mine, it's just a wonderful memory. 

Thanks for stopping by. 

Happy Creating.

Monday, December 19, 2011

19th Day of Christmas - It's all about SNOW!

So what do you think about that cold white stuff? Love it, hate it, DREAD it, or just tolerate it? Such an easy question for me to answer since I'm never exposed to it. I LOVE snow. South Florida is not a winter wonderland. Rarely do we have cold weather and once, about 22 years ago, I saw flurries here, but I had to squint real hard. 

Truth be told, I love snow so much that every few years we make a trip to the great white north just to see the stuff. 

What about you? What are your feelings about that cold, wet, white stuff? Love it, hate it, tolerate it, dread it? I would love to hear. Please feel free to post your thoughts in the comment section below.

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

18 Day of Christmas - How do you decorate your tree?

Funny you should ask. We decorate our tree like a free-for-all. It's fun and goes pretty quickly. 

It hasn't always been this way. About three years ago my daughters told me I had to stop pulling out ornaments and giving the history of the piece. They didn't mind hearing the story, they just wanted me to help too. Here I thought they wanted to be independent and decorate the tree all on their own. Communication is a wonderful thing. Even when it comes to Christmas trees.

Thanks for stopping by. If you would like to share a little about your Christmas traditions, please feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy Creating.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

17th Day of Christmas - The One About the Meal

When's your big Christmas meal? Do you have it on Christmas Eve? Maybe you have a huge breakfast on Christmas morning, (at least it's one time you can cook without constant interruptions from little ones - they are so busy playing with all their new goodies they hardly notice we are on the same planet). Instead, is your big meal midday or perhaps a dinner?

Ours is a midday meal. But, as it is with everything else, it could change. Over the years we've had to make adjustments due to a family members' work schedules, (my husband used to work retail and my sister works in the medical field - neither industries are conducive to a regular routine), but for the past several years we've been able to stick to the midday feast.

As I'm typing, I just realized that this project has helped revel something to me. Post after post makes mention of "we used to", or "year's past", etc. I never realized before just how non-routine our holidays have been. As the kids grow, as employment status changes, and even the effects of the economy, our family has just rolled with it. My girls have gone from babies who like to play in boxes to young women who like to help cook the holiday meal. Makes me smile as I type.

Ok, enough of the sappy stuff. What's your meal tradition? Feel free to share in the comment section below. I'm headed to find a tissue.

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

16th Day of Christmas - Gifts and Treats for Neighbors

Do you take gifts, treats, or food goodies to your friends and neighbors? We used to do this. We even participated in a gift giving tradition that we called, "The Twelve Days of Christmas", where we gave an anonymous gift each day to represent the items in the song. For example, on the first day of  December we would leave a friend or neighbor pears, a bird feeder on the 4th for "calling birds",  a dozen eggs on the 6th for "Geese a-laying"; you get it. We loved doing this and the girls had a blast helping figure out gifts that matched the song. It was a family tradition that I remember fondly. The anonymity was exciting; we only got caught once.

As far as other goodies.... Since I'm not a baker I've never really gotten into this. I guess I could run to the bakery, buy some treats, put them on pretty plates and stick a bow on them, (goodness knows I've done this for holiday party potlucks - shh, don't tell anyone).

I would love to hear how or if you bring treats and gifts to your friends and neighbors. Please feel free to comment in the section below.

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

Friday, December 16, 2011

15th Day of Christmas - That Ever So Special Ornament

Is there an ornament or decoration that Christmas just wouldn't feel like Christmas without? 

We have MANY special ornaments. From family heirlooms to vacation souvenirs, my decorations are special and I adore all of them but, would my Christmas somehow be less of a holiday without them? No.  Christmas for me is not defined by things but people and my faith. Sometimes I might need to be reminded of this, (especially in the midst of a season meltdown), but in the end, Jesus is the reason for the season and He doesn't care what my Christmas tree looks like.

Others may not have the same feeling about the holiday as I do, and that's fine. No judgments here. I would love though to hear about any special ornaments or decorations you faithfully hang year after year. Please feel free to respond in the comment section below.

Thanks for stopping by. 

Happy Creating.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

14th Day of Christmas - When Do You Open Your Christmas Presents?

Image from
When I was a child our family always opened gifts on Christmas Eve. Not just one or a few but all our gifts. Christmas morning was reserved for the magic of the gifts left by Santa. It was wonderful for impatient children and it made the holiday last and last.  My husband's family didn't follow this tradition and after we married we compromised with opening one gift each on Christmas Eve and we continued this  even after we had children. It's a nice middle ground; one that has worked well for us for 27 years.

And what's your family's tradition? Do you open all your presents on Christmas Eve, just one, or do you wait until Christmas to open all your presents? I would love to know. Please feel free to share in the comment section below.

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

13th Day of Christmas - The Magic of Christmas

Image from

Before I post today's question I would like to comment that this project started out as a way to gather Christmas memories on a small scale. This way, I wouldn't be overloaded or struck by forgetfulness later on when I wanted to scrap the holidays. Well, what was it I heard on Grey's Anatomy or Private Practice, (one of the two, who can tell the difference?), "People plan, God laughs". Is that the truth or what? Our December has been so busy with life that documenting the holidays just hasn't happened in quite the way I'd planned. It's all good though. All the ups and downs, unplanned events and expenses, an auto accident, (don't worry, everyone is fine), and final exam meltdowns, (two daughters in college plus finals, equals an event worthy of a Lifetime Movie), don't make for a hill of beans worth of difference when you measure it against the love and support that come from family and friends. We are so richly blessed each and every day. I cannot complain one bit.

Now, on with the question of the day. When did you learn about the "magic" of Christmas? This was revealed to me by my, at the time, seven year old cousin, who was two years younger than me. After verifying this new and interesting information through Mom, I felt like I was more grown-up somehow. I either knew things that my friends didn't know or I knew things that they already knew and was on equal footing.

Looking back, I wouldn't change one thing; not even if I could. I didn't always feel that way though. When I was a new mother I would have preferred for the secret to live on; I even tried to keep it "hush hush" from my daughters until they were old enough to marry, but that didn't work out. Now, as an "old" mother,  I look at it as a rite of passage. A time when I learned that the "magic" of Christmas is in the giving and not in the receiving.

Happy Creating and Merry Christmas. I hope your magic of the holiday is truly remarkable and unforgettable.

What's your favorite Christmas Song?

My favorite Christmas song is Carol of the Bells performed by the Trans Siberian Orchestra. I love all their music and this one particular piece of music is genius. Old and new just dwell in harmony in their version of this beautiful Christmas carol.

Have a listen for yourself.

What's your favorite piece of Christmas music? I would love to know. Please feel free to comment in the section below.

Thanks for stopping by. Tomorrow's question is  -  When did you learn the truth about the "magic" of Christmas?

Happy Creating.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

11th Day of Christmas

Image from 

Today's question - What's your favorite holiday goodie to make and share?

Here's a shocker. Absolutely nothing. I do not bake, at least I don't bake well so I just don't do it. (I cook but I just stay away from the baking part).  My husband and both my girls like to bake and do so MARVELOUSLY. During the holidays we have homemade chocolate chip cookies, Chex Treats, sugar cookies, muffins, and all kinds of other wonderful goodies; they just aren't made by me. 

As I mentioned before, I used to make candies with my husband and he still makes hard candy for us over the holidays and we do share that with our friends and family.

Do you make goodies for the holidays? I'd love to know. Please feel free to post a response in the comment section below.

Thanks for stopping by. Oh, I almost forgot. Tomorrow's question is - What's your favorite Christmas Song? Bet you'll never guess mine.

Happy Creating.

10th Day of Christmas

Got behind again..... So hard to believe. This scrapper was HIGHLY distracted yesterday. Many LIFE things going on.

Yesterday's question was - Candy Canes, traditional or flavored? Or Chocolate Covered Cherries? Lot's of choices there. 

I prefer peppermint sticks over candy canes. You know, the ones that just melt in your mouth. No chewing required. I'm also very partial to chocolate covered cherries. Years ago the hubby and I used to make cordial cherries for Christmas. They never made it to the ripe stage. That's the stage where the inside becomes runny. Why do you think they never made it that far? Yeah, you guessed it. We couldn't wait to eat them and never let them rest the necessary two weeks. For some reason I just couldn't be Distracted from the desire to eat those yummy candies.

So, what is your favorite holiday candy? Candy canes, chocolate covered cherries, or some other decadent goodie? I would love to know. Please feel free to share in the comment section below.

The question for later today is - What's your favorite holiday goodie to make and share?

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thank You to Create Often

Just wanted to give a shout out to Jen over at Create Often. This past week she was a part of the Helmar blog hop and posted about her love of decorating Christmas Trees. She also posted a great tutorial on making ornaments from yarn and Helmar Fabric Stiffener and Draping Liquid. Please pop over and look at her beautiful tree and the video tutorial on making the ornaments.

Also, I want to say thank you to Jen for her super generous blog candy that I was the recipient of. "Thank you Jen for my goodies. Can't wait to use my Helmar Premium Craft Glue and my new Smash Book

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

The 9th Day of Christmas

image from 

I am so far behind with my usual decorating routine. As I was walking the treadmill this afternoon it hit me like a ton of bricks that I haven't even pulled out our holiday dishes. There are no, I repeat NO, holiday deco's out at my house except for the Christmas tree and a couple of cinnamon scented candles. What a slacker I've been.

So, the answer to today's question, "Do you display a nativity scene" is, "yes, we always display a nativity scene, except for this year". My shelf on the entertainment center where my husband's family's beautiful ceramic creche sits is still filled with scrapbook albums and framed pictures. I must rectify this situation this weekend. I really miss seeing it.

Do you have a special nativity scene that you display? Maybe in your front yard or on a table in your home. I would love to hear all about. Please feel free to post your response in the comment section below. I can't wait to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by. Tomorrow's question is Candy Canes, traditional or flavored? Or Chocolate Covered Cherries? 

Happy Creating.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

8th Day of Christmas

What's On Top of Your Christmas Tree?

This year we've got an angel on the top of our tree. Some years ago it was a star and I've even had a Santa head and once we had a bow. I've been in search of the prefect tree topper for as long as I can remember and I don't think I have found it yet. This year's topper we picked up yesterday at Target. She's a beauty but I'm not 100% satisfied with her. I don't know why except that maybe she's just not "the one". Some year though I'm going to find "the one" and have more money for Christmas presents with what I save on tree toppers.

Really though, should I be so obsessed with what's at the top of my Christmas tree? Maybe I have Christmas Tree OCD; maybe I just like to switch it up with a new ornament every year. That said, my tree is decorated and the sweet little glass angel will be sitting there for the rest of our holiday season.

What's on your tree? Is it a bow, Santa Claus, an angel, or star? If you would like share, I would love to read your comment in the section below. If you have a special topper with a story to go along with it I would love to hear it.

Thanks so very much for stopping by I appreciate your company and welcome your comments. Until tomorrow when we'll answer the question, Do you have a nativity displayed through the holidays?

Happy Creating.