Tuesday, December 6, 2011

6th Day of Christmas

Image from webweaver.nu/clipart

So, when do you decorate for Christmas? That's the question for day 6. We are usually pretty slow about decorating. It starts the Saturday after Thanksgiving and continues until I'm done. 

Traditionally we purchase our tree the weekend following the big turkey feast and by Sunday night it's usually decorated and brightly shining in the corner of our living room. The rest of the decorations, well that's another story. Generally that's piecemeal. A little here and a little there until I'm satisfied it's just right.

What about you? When do you decorate? Do you decorate at all? I would love to hear your answers. Please feel free to respond in the comment section below.

Tomorrow's Question:  What's your favorite holiday tradition?

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

1 comment:

  1. We are so far behind. Our tree is usually up by now, but this year it is not. We did put up the outside decorations this weekend and hope to get the tree this week.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.