My current project is a mini album for my oldest daughter. Months ago she asked for a mini that features her dog. I started it a couple of weeks ago but had to set it aside while I worked on an academic planner for her. Today has been all about helping her with some school assignments and now I'm sitting in my room on a self imposed time out. I just love being the grown up with the power to restrict activity. Oops, got off track there.
While I have no beautiful masterpieces to share with you today I did want to tell you about an online class I just signed up for. Christy Tomlinson over at The Scarlet Lime is launching her She Art Workshop beginning next month. Christy's work has inspired me to try new and unconventional art forms. Maybe not really unconventional but at least very nontraditional for me. Last month Christy featured a tutorial on using canvas in a mixed media project. The project sparked something in me and I made three canvas projects for Christmas presents. I absolutely love this art form and I'm incorporating my own style into the form by scrapbooking layouts on canvas using all different forms of media. I'm LOVIN' IT!
That's about all for today. Want to get back to my time out.
Hope you too can find some inspiration to get you crafting today.
Oh I saw this yesterday on the blog, it intrigued me too. Not sure on the "it's ok to make mistakes" thing though ;)