Sunday, March 20, 2011

Another She Art Girl

I am enjoying the heck out of my She Art Workshop. I love being messy and learning new techniques. Right now we are ending week three and this distracted scrapper is just about to finish week one. Par for the course with me. Something always seems to be behind.

This is my second canvas. My oldest DD suggested that I give her as a gift to my sister because angel just reminded her of her aunt, (funny how her mother doesn't remind her of an angel). I think she meant the colors of the canvas and the design of the angel are just an Aunt Reba kind of thing.


I tried some new things with this canvas. First, I added some three dimensional embellishments. At first I was a little unsure about doing this but I really like how the little butterfly adds interest to the angel's skirt. I also completely altered this canvas. Of course it's altered but it started out with a printed napkin as the background. I thought the look was too overwhelming so I added pieces of a dollie to the mat and I love the result. I think the dollies add their own little 3-D affect.

Lastly, I made the angel wings out of a leaf from a Prima collection, (at least I think it was a Prima). I cut it in two and tucked one under each side. I think it made pretty realistic looking wings.

I've got one more to post tomorrow and then I'm moving onto week two.

Happy Creating



  1. LOL, of course mom's never an angel, you didn't know that? She does look like Reba so it's fitting :) I love the doily on the BG, may need to steal that!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.