Monday, March 14, 2011

She Art Workshop

Finally I've gotten around to finishing my first girl canvas. Again life has been so busy that crafting was back burnered for a few days. I'm so glad I carved out some crafting time because I am LOVING this workshop. Christi's videos are inspiring and her instructions and patterns walk me through like the projects in a manner that I can understand. My distractible nature appreciates how she breaks up the projects into several short videos. If I have to stop after the first or second I don't feel like I'm leaving something undone.

Here's my first girl.

I do wish my lighting was better because the orange and yellow on this canvas are just popping off. I played this one a little safe by following Christi's example pretty closely. My next one maybe I'll be a little more daring.

PS Here's a little more info from Christi's blog about her next offering of this class.

Happy Creating.



  1. This came out gorgeous and I think your colors look good here. Love the pattern background. I so want to take this class now.

  2. FINALLY!!! I'm so glad you finished one. She's adorable. I love the background, patterns are my favorite. I love her hair, that is the challenging part for me. I think I need to try the short hair. I've done 3 now. Itching to make another.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.