Sunday, December 11, 2011

10th Day of Christmas

Got behind again..... So hard to believe. This scrapper was HIGHLY distracted yesterday. Many LIFE things going on.

Yesterday's question was - Candy Canes, traditional or flavored? Or Chocolate Covered Cherries? Lot's of choices there. 

I prefer peppermint sticks over candy canes. You know, the ones that just melt in your mouth. No chewing required. I'm also very partial to chocolate covered cherries. Years ago the hubby and I used to make cordial cherries for Christmas. They never made it to the ripe stage. That's the stage where the inside becomes runny. Why do you think they never made it that far? Yeah, you guessed it. We couldn't wait to eat them and never let them rest the necessary two weeks. For some reason I just couldn't be Distracted from the desire to eat those yummy candies.

So, what is your favorite holiday candy? Candy canes, chocolate covered cherries, or some other decadent goodie? I would love to know. Please feel free to share in the comment section below.

The question for later today is - What's your favorite holiday goodie to make and share?

Thanks for stopping by.

Happy Creating.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my FAVE is chocolate covered cherries, but not the ones with the cream in them.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.