Sunday, December 11, 2011

11th Day of Christmas

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Today's question - What's your favorite holiday goodie to make and share?

Here's a shocker. Absolutely nothing. I do not bake, at least I don't bake well so I just don't do it. (I cook but I just stay away from the baking part).  My husband and both my girls like to bake and do so MARVELOUSLY. During the holidays we have homemade chocolate chip cookies, Chex Treats, sugar cookies, muffins, and all kinds of other wonderful goodies; they just aren't made by me. 

As I mentioned before, I used to make candies with my husband and he still makes hard candy for us over the holidays and we do share that with our friends and family.

Do you make goodies for the holidays? I'd love to know. Please feel free to post a response in the comment section below.

Thanks for stopping by. Oh, I almost forgot. Tomorrow's question is - What's your favorite Christmas Song? Bet you'll never guess mine.

Happy Creating.

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